Q&A: Business Communications /10.05.2007

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Q&A: Business Communications /10.05.2007

Diferentiator pe piata de business: Vodafone, Orange, Romtelecom, Cosmote

Ion VACIU, CEO/Publisher, revista COMUNIC@ŢII Mobile:
Mă bucur să văd că toţi actorii de la primul panel sunt foarte interesaţi de comunicaţiile de business. Însă aş vrea să îi întreb pe fiecare dintre actorii care şi-au prezentat planurile, care sunt atributele lor care îi diferenţiază de ceilalţi competitori în materie de comunicare de business.

Gabriela MATEI, Senior Director Business Market, Vodafone România:
Diferenţiator pentru piaţa de business, da?, asta îmi spuneţi dvs. În primul rândce trebuie clienţii noştri să ştie – şi beneficiile se văd – este că Vodafone România este parte din Vodafone Group şi automat clienţii noştri de business beneficiază de un know-how care a fost elaborat la nivelul grupului, respectiv fac parte din cea mai mare comunitate de clienţi business din lume. În paralel, ca şi produse specifice, în continuare ne mândrim cu soluţiile noastre integrate. Am prezentat un pic în prezentarea mea care este viitorul aşa cum îl vedem noi 58.23 Detalii vor urma. Şi avem deja peste 6 mii de clienţi care beneficiază de această ofertă. Această ofertă funcţionează în continuare pentru noi ca şi diferenţiator o dată prin serviciile pe care le încorporăm în această ofertă integrată: voce mobilă, voce fixă, date şi date mobile, dar şi un întreg know-how privind customizarea, personalizarea fiind foarte importantă pentru clienţii noştri, service, serviciu dedicat, personal dedicat, un nivel de service level absolut deosebit ceea ce ne-a şi ajutat să intrăm atât de bine pe piaţa de business şi să vindem atât de bine această ofertă.

Richard MOAT, CEO Orange România:
If we start talking about mobile, we have strongly repositioned our offers to the business market over the last 12 months with our Business Flexible and Business Flexible Plus tariffs,
plus a series of completely customised tariffs for the largest customers. We too have a large dedicated function which looks after the interests of mobile business customers.
But I think one of the key things we have been pushing out this year and we will be developing is convergence, because customers are looking for fixed and mobile solutions
And in that context, of course, I was mentioning the fact that we are launching a range of new high speed data services which will improve business customers’ access to the Internet, to their intranet whilst they are on the move, such as HSDPA – 3.6 Mbps and 7.2Mbps HSDPA. But beyond that, also for people who are looking for fixed or semi-fixed solutions we are developing WiMAX, which we are migrating existing corporate customers on to
Yorgos IOANNIDIS, CEO Romtelecom:
Romtelecom is a company that has a wider country-wide coverage with regards to fixed operations. So therefore we utilize that competitive advantage to all extent. But we will not stop there. I already mentioned, the company has a state of the art core network which will be enhanced this year and as pretty correctly put it the previous question here, yes, we are comparing the digital highway with the roads of the past. We believe that that who owns the highways will have the future in his own hands. But these highways in themselves are not enough. We will need the access roads. And again, Romtelecom is the company that can provide a variety of access roads. Starting from the simple PSTN (public switched telephone network) point to ADSL technology, but moving forward to Metro Ethernet and all those sorts of access technology will be present in the Romanian environment. Moreover, being a member of the OTE Group, we are in a position of providing satellite to all those regions which are not fibre or cooper , not easily reachable.

Nikolaos TSOLAS, CEO Cosmote România:
From Cosmote point of view – you know we are a 18 month old company – We came up with our business offer about a month ago, which was very well received, is very competitive, including the unlimited usage within close user group and other competitive prices. In terms of data, we will take part in the WiMAX bidding process which will come in the next phase.
We are also looking at the partnership, let us say, with Romtelecom to offer the business users a total integrated solution. Our approach will be similar to the rezidential market, aggressive and revolutionary. And we’ve just started.

CERF 2007