CES: 9,6% share on the Romanian PC market in 2Q /31.08.2007 Gabriel JITARU, CEO Complet Electro Serv (CES), the Romanian PC assembler, part of retailer group company Altex, sais CES achieved 9,6% of total PC market in Romania in 2Q 2007, with 15% share of desk
CES Fine Tuning: One PC per Minute /31.08.2007 Mihai Traistaru, Operations Manager at CES, the PC assembly division of the Romanian retailer Altex, explains to a group of journalists the working of the new assembly line installed by CES. This was provided by F
Q&A: CES & Microsoft /31.08.2007 Mihai Trăistaru, Director de Operaţiuni la Complet Electro Serv (CES), şi Marilena Ionaşcu, OEM Business Manager la Microsoft răspund jurnaliştilor invitati sa faca un tur al fabricii instalate de 1 an de CES, div