Ericsson managed services boosted by operators cutting costs

11/2008 3285 No Comments


Ericsson managed services boosted by operators cutting costs

Dezbaterile COMUNIC@Å¢II Mobile BucureÅŸti
Gala Comunicatii Mobile 2008
19 noiembrie 2008

Alan Triggs – Vice President Managed Services IT & Head of Global Services Delivery Center (GSDC), Ericsson, acknowledged that operators would be trimming their investments due to the global financial crisis, but they will also look closer at their costs and at what they are willing to do themselves versus what they may consider outsourcing, which should bode well for Ericsson managed services business. Business delivered from the GSDC in Romania has been growing at 20% and the company has long term contracts signed for that business, said Alan Triggs.