Nokia Siemens Networks Romania: The New Brand /10.05.2007
Dieter ANGERER, the newly appointed Country Director of Nokia Siemens Networks in Romania, introduced the new brand of the combined companies at the Communications Day conference in Bucharest, on May 10, 2007.
“Ladies and genlemen, this is now the fourth time that I am here and have the honor to speak about the obstacles and challenges for the telecom business, particularly here in Romania, but also on a more global scale.
But this time things have radically changed. But before I want to go into more detail about this new set – of which we really somehow also take the appropriate share of what Mr. Bedros said of the communities and of the challenges that my come – I would like to introduce a new brand: Nokia Siemens Networks.
We are more than 5 billion people worldwide connected and most of them are always on, even if they preferred from time to time to get a little more quietness, but they are always on with broadband connections. And people want to use the service anytime, anywhere wherever they want.
We all know and this is the head of the issue that Internet is the dominant platform to connect these people and provide them with the information, with the services, with the entertainment they use and they need.
Broadband, high speed connections, they have to be and they will be available practically everywhere on the road, in each single spot, and I think this is one challenge basically very much in Romania.
In this converged world, which is, let us say striving for broadband, for services, Nokia Siemens Networks will be a top tier industry player from day one.
Also here in Romania. So we are present here and we strive to become the most customer dedicated enabler of the new telecom culture.
Worldwide presence is something we are really commited to, but – and this is probably also my target here as a country director – we have a very strong regional focus, focus that shall leverage the demands here in the country, that shall approach the particular means, be it the development of the broadband society, development of the information society. We commit to be very locally present, to be very involved in society development programs, because this is something we are striving.
But of course the background of doing so, the posibility of doing so is a strong worldwide presence, a strong presence of competence, but with a very strong regional focus.
I simply want to outline the major fields where we see an increasing necessity, an increasing use case. (We offer) solutions for affordable voice, data connectivity, particularly in new growth markets, markets where broadband penetration is still low, is still to be developed – this is something where we want to step in strongly.
And this will leverage our full portfolio, and this portfolio is leveraging very much on the complementarity this two companies leverage – the core and the applications around, be it more in the direction of next generation networks, next generation switching, embedded into efficient transport networks, having a full variety of access solutions, be it wireless, be it wireline and finally, which is the crucial point, services, operation systems that make usage of the networks, usage of the services, efficient for the operators.”